Monday, August 24, 2009

The best way for installing firefox 3.5 in ubuntu

1. Download Firefox 3.5
2. Place the tar file in your home folder
3. copy this command in your terminal and you are done


  1. MAN, I already have the latest Firefox, but checked this out out of curiosity. You seem to have gone through a lot of hardwork to create this single script. I guess, if it is working, then this is by far the easiest way to install this software.
    Now, I wish there was something easier than waiting for an expert to create a command and put up on his/her blog!! :)

  2. Yes but i shouldn't be taking the credit because most of it is googled....i just spend hours spending to find such simple and easy scripts :)

  3. Hey Talal, does this thing work for Linux Mint? I have just changed from Ubuntu Jaunty to Mint, and I placed the downloaded file into my Home folder and then simply ran the script. I think it did something, since I can't find the downloaded firefox file in that folder now. But I wonder where is Shiretoko or how to access it. Thanks.

  4. go to synaptic manager and search firefox and uninstall it completely......and then run this script it should not give any error. The Shireko if it is installed should be in Applications->internet->shireko..

    One more thing this script installs the original version of firefox not will be with the name of firefox not shireko but version will be 3.5.2

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ok. let me confirm.. I removed Firefox completely and pasted that downloaded file into HOME and then ran your script. It is installed in the system for sure, thanks to the Cairo Dock shortcut for firefox that I happened to click on. Works real good. But, what about the actual shortcut that should have been there in the MINT menu? If I have to place one manually, then please tell me where to find and what keyword to search for.
    But better, would you happen to have a tweak for that command which may make the all the required shortcuts appear?

  7. where was firefox first? i mean which path?...the newly installed firefox should be there....i will search on it more

  8. If there is one thing I get lost in, then that is the location of files and folders in Linux. So...........

  9. No in ubuntu you can run firefox like this...Application->internet-> in mint if gnome is installed it should be run exactly the same way no matter which flavour if desktop is same nothing looks changed

  10. i have done some googling and found that make a launcher add a icon to it (may be you already know about it) than you can drag it to the pannel....i cannot find anything for adding to the menu yet as soon i will know i will let you know....for more informtaion visit

  11. sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5

    I just tried this command, and Firefox seems to be installing again. Well, if it works, well and good. The firefox which this commanad installs, do you think this one is still different from what your script with the Firefox downloaded file may achieve?

  12. OK, I just tried the WHEREIS command and this is the result:
    USERNAME~ $ whereis firefox
    firefox: /usr/bin/firefox /usr/lib/firefox
    USERNAME ~ $ whereis firefox-3.5
    firefox-3: /usr/bin/firefox-3.5 /etc/firefox-3.5

    Now, in USR/BIN I couldn't run the two files, I think they are not meant to be run but read or something.. I don't know :D
    In USR/LIB there are the two Firefoxes again, and when I open 3.5, it is Shiretoko that opens.
    I could simply get over this and continue using either Opera or the Firefox shortcut in Cairo Dock, but the curious self in me does not seems to rest... upto you now :)

  13. I had a similar problem like this in the start....what i did was opened synaptic packeage manager and typed firefox and unistalled all the applications of firefox that were installed and then i ran the script but then the script gave me some useless errors and i removed those errors and atlast firefox was installed.....have you tried removing everthing that is related with firefox...i hope it works :)....other wise i will install mint myself and see the problem

  14. so... Can you tell me what command you will use to clean up Firefox completely or what method?


    Try this it should work i don't know why is your public key not installed although it is installed by default for the mozilla reprosities....any ways try this ubuntu-zilla thing it is nice and very simple to use

  16. I will keep you updated when I do it, got to get back to work now... LInux craze took up all the time.. me doing hardly any work. Thanks for taking the trouble Talal!! :)

  17. Hey Talal, the Ubuntuzilla method worked and Firefox is up and running perfect. I ADDED the second method into the sources list, but did not know what to do next. There were also some similar error messages that came up. But I just let them remain right?
    After all, the first method was enough to get FF up and running. Thanks a ton.

  18. Ok if it worked then leave the second method...good it worked :)

  19. Really the best way... Great script..

    Running Firefox 3.5.3 in Ubuntu 9.04


  20. it (Firefox) wont start for me. If I start from the application launcher it looks like it is about to start and then it doesn't. If i go to /opt/firefox and then type in firefox it gives out this error

    *****@ubuntu:/opt/firefox$ ./firefox
    ./ 399: ./firefox-bin: not found

  21. remove the previous version completely and then try it again

  22. After days of trying to install version 3.5, the script worked like magic!! Thanks a lot.

  23. Thank you! This script is very nice :)

  24. Hi, thanks for the script! It worked like a charm the 1st time but then I started trying to get rid of the shiretoko version, mainly out of the menu, and now the new firefox install disappeared and if I run your script I get a ton of permission denied responses...

    Anyone have a clue what I messed up...? I was excited and now im sad :-)

  25. Never mind, I got it working again. I had to remove the .mozilla.backup from my home directory and then re-run the script and I got the real firefox 3.5 running again.

    Does anyone know how to get the Shiretoko version off or at least out of the menu?

  26. the Shiretoko comes in the menu because it is still intalled so go to the synaptics package manager and then type firefox and if firefox 3.5 is installed remove it completely it will go away
